Microsoft Ups the Ante on Accessibility: Voice access replaces Windows speech recognition


See the end of the known world on the horizon? Instead of WSR, Voice Access – a more advanced (deep learning neural network-based) version will be employed. Through that move, the dialogue through voice option brings Ganm levels of complete control to Auson users.

I think WSR is becoming outdated due to its speech recognition features while Voice Access makes better use of current AI technology. Imagine intuitively using your speech to take over your PC, writing a rule in an email and being able to adjust any settings – all through voice commands! Voice Access’s voice recognition appreciates a very organic and simple language compared to WSR, and it is one of the most powerful features of the application that increases productivity and reduces frustration.

Now it’s not hard to imagine, Windows 11 Voice Access is going to be available to Windows 10 users by October 2025. So if you are a user of any of these operating systems, upgrading to the newly arrived operating system is the option you should consider. With this, Microsoft will achieve its goal of making Windows 11 the center of Microsoft’s future and Copilot will be a personal assistant that will give simple commands to manage settings that will not require the Settings app.

The future of Windows will include voice-controlled computers! The increased integration of AI into various features of Windows 10 serves as a testament to Microsoft’s commitment to expanding accessibility and making it easier to interact with users. Thus, Windows 11 Voice-Control is the upcoming future for those Windows 11 users, and Voice Control will help them to achieve remarkable results while discovering the hidden potential of their devices.